Lily will be hosting clubs all February long about Emotion Regulation, it's a psychological practice that will change your life. It involves understanding and, to a certain degree, controlling your emotions to your advantage. Understanding them comes first, and in this club, we'll dive deep into how you can express them using the practice of NVC (non-violent communication).
Lily, a practising psychotherapist, has a wealth of experience with emotion regulation and she'll be your guide in this club.
Are you familiar with NVC (non-violent communication)?It's an approach to enhanced communication, understanding, and connection based on the principles of nonviolence and humanistic psychology. Lily, your guide in this club, is a practising psychotherapist and a true user of humanistic psychology. How can you express your emotions using the principles of NVC? How can you do so in a way that increases empathy and understanding for everyone involved including those you're speaking to and yourself?
NVC is not about ending a disagreement or a conflict. It's about improving quality of life through empathy and understanding. Let's practice using its humanistic principles to express ourselves!
When it comes to communication, many second language speakers think they have trouble expressing their emotions in a clear, healthy way because they lack the vocabulary. Sound familiar? We're here to tell you that is not the case! It's less about the words and more about the context and the goal. If the goal is to understand and empathise, the words will flow. Let's discuss and practice. Let's have an intelligent, judgment-free, and mind-opening workshop!